Enrique Fuentes was born in Mexico. Sometimes the effect of his paintings is explained from this circumstance. It is claimed that the enigmatic, contradictory even disturbing comes from the fact that his art is virtually an impulsive mixture of his hot-blooded temperament and all the impressions and influences with which he has been confronted since he entered the’ Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux-Arts in Paris – and later in Austria, where he lives predominantly. Enrique Fuentes is driven by a powerful passion, by a tremendous urge to do exactly what he does. There is, beyond his infectious kindness, a dark side to him, a knowledge of death, disease, despair, decay. He has something of a shaman, that is, of a person who is able to look at the other side. That above all determines his art, that above all establishes the peculiarity of his works.
— (Otto Hans Ressler “Enrique Fuentes – Die dunkle Seite” Atlas Obscuro, 2018)–